Icon for coywolf.social coywolf.social — Coywolf Social

The federated open social web home for Coywolf and its brands.


up since 2024-12-03 00:38 (90.7 days ago)

Status Changes [CSV] [RSS]

  • Uptime: 99.84%
  • Users: 8 (3 active this month, 5 active last six months)
  • Posts: 33843
  • Posts per user: 4230.38
  • Peers: 18088
  • Version: mastodon 4.3.4
  • Registrations: Closed

[View Timeline] (← Broken) | [View Timeline Media]

Latest Nodeinfo

Prometheus Data

Stats 2025-02-22 19:18 — 2025-03-03 16:32

  • users: 8 (0.00/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 8 / 8 / 8.00 / 0.00

    ⋯ ⋯
  • posts: 33843 (9.31/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 33766 / 33843 / 33822.62 / 30.51

    3384333766 048
  • peers: 18088 (4.95/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 18044 / 18088 / 18069.12 / 12.31

    1808818044 +1-1+3
  • response_time: 1.65 (-0.24/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 1 / 7 / 3.08 / 1.46

    1.6501.1747.920 -1.762-4.766+4.533

Crawling Info

First contact: 2022-04-02 (35.0 months ago)

Last successful contact: 2025-03-03 (44.3 minutes ago)

Contact: 71739 successful, 9873 failed.

Average fetch time: 3.08s

Next attempt scheduled for 22.0 minutes ago.

Found through misskey.ranranhome.info (up)

IP address: (and 145 others, including: chicken.rodeo (down), relay.plush.city (down), dobremiejsce.robmydobrze.pl (down), benhutchings.com (down), mysound.directory (down), electricpea.ch (down), matheson.it (down), oour.org (up), theotherdell.com (down), caraldi.com (down))


[User has opted out of being discoverable.]


Federation Info

Peers: 18088

[Incoming Blocks]

[Outgoing Blocks]